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belief in Islam "in the five pillars" |
The important concept of Islam and the source of all its other principles and practices is the Oneness of God (Tawhid). Islam is monotheism in its purest form.
Islam teaches that there is a fundamental difference between God, the Creator and what He has created. The sky, the moon, the stars, the harmony and perfection in nature, grace and beauty of the human body and the excellence of the human mind, the alternation of day and night, changing seasons, the mystery of life and death - all of these things point to something that is bigger than themselves.
These are all signs (verses) God for believers. But Islam teaches that God can be what you created, matched with anything. He is omnipotent, omniscient; He is above any imperfections, but He is the embodiment of all perfection. But no substance in any form or somehow similar to what you've created, although on the other hand is not a distant and far rapt God or an ideal which is impossible to approach. He all good, and ALLMITLEIDSVOLL.
Islam teaches that God is always there. He has never begotten and also has its part, the begotten son or daughter. Islam rejects the concept of an incarnation of God, which can be found in Hinduism, Christianity and other religions, again full of energy, because it is assumed that the concept of the incarnation of God concept imposed barriers and conviction the faithful that God dynamic existence has been destroyed.
The Qur'an refers to Allah (SWT) and as totally and permanently (see surah in the Qur'an 2,255). Islam rejects the idea that Jesus, peace be upon him, was the Son of God, chosen from. Rather, he is honored as one of the great messengers and prophets of the Children of Israel and respected Allah. Similarly, Islam rejects the concept of the Trinity, as it believes that is contrary to the pure monotheism standing. And it has the argument of some Christians again that God himself the figure of Jesus, peace be upon him thought they had, so people him, God could recognize, and the assertion that Jesus, peace be upon him, the sins of humanity had died on the cross. For a man Allah (t) can recognize and feel close to him in prayer in the manner prescribed by Islamic belief, so fasting, are Zakat, pilgrimage has good deeds and achieved. Only through the practice of Islam the believer's soul is clean and took him closer to Allah (SWT). And secondly, no one can, according to Islamic teachings bear the burden of another person or his responsibility. Allah (SWT) is well aware of our human frailties and our imperfections. He does not condemn us that we were created imperfectly; Rather, it leads us to self-perfection, forgives us and gives us his mercy granted when we go astray and then I sincerely apologize.
Muslims believe in the divine origin of the Old and New Testaments, while, however, doubt the historical unity of parts of the Old and New Testament. They assume that these are not exact reproduction of what Allah (SWT) has given originally known. Muslims believe in angels of Allah and His Prophet, peace be upon them. They believe in the resurrection of the dead on the last day; They believe in the day of judgment and eternal life in heaven or hell.
Although Muslims believe that Allah (SWT) Almighty and to him all creation is absolutely subject, believe the same as Allah (SWT) has, according to choose the people with free will and the ability to act and created, and Allah (SWT) makes man responsible morally perfect justice for what he does in his life. It is wrong to say that Islam teaches its followers slavishly idly performance, whatever your destination or purpose. On the contrary, Islam calls the faithful to fight injustice and submission and work with all forces to maintain law and justice.
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