Thursday, April 28, 2016

Islam Definition

Quranic statements
The term Islam enters the Koran to eight times. In several places it noted that the adoption of Islam is a sign of divine election. It is produced by one that God wants human beings corresponding guide them and their chest expands (Sura 6: 125 and 39:22). People who credit themselves for Islam that have accepted it, is held against you should this grace only God (Sura 49:17). Which is being called to Islam, must invent a lie against God is not (Sura 61: 7).

In three other places of a relationship between Islam and the Arabic word din is prepared which has the meaning of "religion" but also the connotation of "judgment" has [5] In surah 5:. 3 states: "I have chosen for you Islam as religion" and Sura 3:19. "When religion is true with God of Islam." This proves that the Koran and define Islam as a religion. The history of this religion began after the Koran Mohammed, but as with Abraham. He is described in Sura 3:67 as Muslims.

Already in the Quran itself an important, namely, between the adoption of Islam (Islam) and acceptance of faith (Iman) distinction is made. So in Sura 49:16 the desert Arabs are asked to say: "We have accepted the faith," but "We have accepted Islam" because faith is not yet entered their hearts. In those states, the idea that someone who has accepted Islam, which is a Muslim, not necessarily a "creditor", ie, a mu'min, must be incorporated. What "Islam" originally meant if that faith is not understood, it is judged differently. Meïr Bravmann, who has researched the use of the word in ancient Arabic literature, he says, the desire for self-sacrifice in the struggle described in the Islamic community, which was heavily oriented jihad. [6]

The ruling in the Qur'an distinction between Islam and faith has resulted in numerous debates Islamic theology. It has never been fully explained, the relationship of the two principles are to each other. Most pre-modern theologians insisted however distinguish Islam and faith. [7]

The Five Pillars
A true definition for Islam is not in the Koran, but only in the reports of the Prophet, in the so-called Hadith of Gabriel, which is recycled through the prophet Umar. Here again it distinguishes between Islam and faith. the third category "good behavior" (ihsan) is introduced. Islam is for this Hadith that "it is confessed that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of God, that verrichtest obligatory prayer and transfer of arms is doing is fasting in Ramadan and the house pilgerst (God), if they are able to. " [8]

Representing the five pillars in Karlsruhe Garden of Religions
To this the doctrine that Islam consists of five main obligations are the five "pillars" (Arcanum / أركان) is based. These are commonly known by the Arabic name following: [9]

Shahada (Islamic creed)
Salad (obligatory prayer)
Zakat (alms)
Hem (fasting Ramadan)
Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)
A detailed description of the five pillars can be found in the main relevant articles. The following summarizes only the main points.


The Sahada as calligraphic lettering

Another calligraphic letters Sahada
The first pillar is the Islamic creed Shahada (Arabic الشهادة AS-Sahada), which reads as follows:

"أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمدا رسول الله"

"Laa ilaha illa Ashadu 'llah, wa-Anna Muhammadan Ashadu rasulu' Llah"

"I testify that there is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God."

- Pronunciation / i?
This formula of two parts the Muslim clearly committed to a strict monotheism to the prophetic mission of Muhammad and publication, the Koran, and therefore Islam itself. [9] Who speaks fully aware Credo before two witnesses, it applies irreversible as a Muslim.

ritual prayer

Muslims salad

Muslima on salad

"Prayer in Cairo" by Jean-Leon Gerome 1865
The ritual prayer (salat / صلاة) is to be performed five times a day, before dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset and nightfall. Before each of these sentences an announcement of the call to prayer and ablution are required. This formula is also five times a day by the muezzin (Arabic مؤذن Mu'adhdhin) (adhan Arab أذان) the Adhan from the minaret (Arabic مناره Manara) called Muslims (Arab salad صلاة) for the obligatory prayer ritual to call, wherein the formula also occur. [10]

Also, the Muslim should be aware of before the prayer that is not routine, but intended to serve God, take prayer. For the state of consecration necessary for prayer (إحرام ihram) enter the following formula "God is greater (than anything else)" (الله أكبر Allahu Akbar). It is necessary for the validity of the sentence that the person praying while taking up the direction of prayer to the Kaaba in Mecca. It applies in Islam as the most sacred and the house of God. While a number of other formulas and the first sura of the Qur'an (al-Fatiha الفاتحة, Opening ') is placed are recited. Here are several different formulas accompanied prostrations (ركعات Rak'at). A number of other forms of prayer end. In itself, prayer in any ritually clean place, possibly on a prayer rug, was consummated, but ideally (مسجد masjid, place of prostration ') in the mosque.

On Friday noon prayer for compulsory for men and women is recommended for collective prayer (Salat al صلاة الجمعة dschum'a, Friday prayers') is replaced in the mosque, which is accompanied by a sermon ( خطبة sermon).

Tax alms (zakat, زكاة) [11] is mandatory, mentally healthy for anyone, free, adult and financially to eligible Muslims [12] for the financial support of the poor, slaves, debtors and travelers as well as for jihad [13] that delivery will be paid. The amount varies depending on the type of income (trade, animal husbandry, cultivation) from 2.5 to 10 percent, and the tax base (revenue or total assets). [14] As a process of redistribution of wealth is the collection and distribution of Zakat as an important means for poverty alleviation considered. [fifteen]

Fasting (hem) is held annually in the month of Ramadan. Each year, the Islamic calendar changes compared to the Gregorian calendar for eleven days forward. It is fasting from the dawn of start - if you can get a "white distinguished from a black thread" (Sura 2, verse 187) - under the age of sunset; I do not eat, drink anything, not smoked, exercised any marital sex and abstinence behavior.

Muslims break the fasting happy with a date and a glass of milk, as it is said that the prophet is made. The fasting month ends with the Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr).


The seven-time circumambulating the Holy Kaaba for Muslims is the most important part of the Hajj, the pilgrimage of Muslims to Mecca
The last lunar month of Dhu al-Hijjah performed the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj حج) for all Muslims, if possible, take at least once in their life circumambulate the Kaaba seven times there, among other things. The decisive factor, if the right pilgrimage will include your financial and health situation. The limitation of the right of the ritual law of the pilgrimage is justified in the Qur'an: "... and people is against God is obligated to make the pilgrimage to the House - that apply to a form ..." ( Sura 3, verse 97).

Often near his Muslim pilgrimage to visit the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, where the prophet is buried. But this is not an integral part of the Hajj.

other definitions
Although Islam covers only the five mentioned obligations as defined by the hadith of Gabriel, there is a tendency to consider all the obligations mentioned in the Koran as part of Islam. This view is reflected, for example, in the late medieval scholar Ibn Taymiyyah (died 1328th), which explains in his "Introduction to the basics of Quranic exegesis": "The religion of Islam is the observance of the Koran "[16] Thus. it is also possible to define an Islamic faith. For example, the word Quran in Sura 4: 136:

"O you who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger and the scripture He has revealed to His Messenger, in Scripture that he has already sent (before)! Do not believe in God, His angels, His Books, His messengers and the Last Day, is (therefore the right path) astray. "

it is concluded that there are six articles of faith in Islam, that is, the belief in:

the only God
his angels
His revelation (holy books: the Torah, the Gospel)
His messengers, the prophets of God, including Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad last
Humans rewarded someday for their actions to justice and punished with Hell or paradise: Judgment Day and beyond
Since the early 20th century is reflected in several Muslim thinkers and activists who see Islam as a means of re-emergence of the Muslim peoples after the era of colonialism, the tendency, Islam as a limited system universal religion and no longer only in present. Therefore, said Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, the fifth conference of the organization in January 1939:

"We believe that the principles and teachings of Islam are comprehensive and govern the affairs of men in this world and the hereafter. Those who assume that these teachings only handle worship or spiritual part, are wrong, because Islam is the commitment ( 'Aqeedah) and worship (ibadah), homeland (Watan) and nationality (dschinsīya), religion (DIN) and the State (Daula), spirituality (rūhānīya) and work (' Amal) Koran (Mushaf) and sword (FIAS). [17] "

Islam as a cultural space
is given to the term "Islam" from the 19th century much also higher in European languages, indicating importance that all Muslim peoples, countries and states with the culture they have. This also explains why the Encyclopedia of Islam, the most important reference of Western Islamic studies, which are not treated exclusively Islamic religion, but the entire civilization of Islamic countries, including things and people who have no relationship direct with Islam. [18] In this way it has become beyond religion and the name of a cultural area of ​​Islam.


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