Friday, April 29, 2016

Understanding Islam

Islam is a monotheistic religion that n Chr early 7. century. It was founded in Arabia by the Prophet Muhammad. With 1.6 billion [1] followers it is to Christianity (about 2.2 billion followers) [2] Currently, the second largest religion in the world.

The Arabic word Islam (Islam /
 إسلام) is derived as a verbal noun aslama Arabic verb ( "last, result, all sorts of") and therefore means "submission (to God)", "utter devotion (to God) ". [3] the name of the person belonging to Islam is Muslim aslama, grammatically active participle of the verb. Therefore, the real meaning of Muslim is "one who (God) gives itself". In German-speaking countries this term is also depicted as a Muslim.

The ten countries with the highest proportion of the world's
 Muslim population are Indonesia (12.9%), Pakistan (11.1%), India (10.3%), Bangladesh (9.3%), Egypt and Nigeria (every 5 %), Iran and Turkey (4.7%) and Algeria (2.2%) and Morocco (around 2%). taken together are home to more than two-thirds of all Muslims. [4] The most important Islamic State organization is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) based in Jeddah. Its members include 56 states where Islam is the state religion, the religion of the majority or a large minority religion is. Muslim countries in Europe are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and the (geographically lies only partly in Europe) Turkey. Many other countries have Muslim minorities.

The base in the main text of Islam is the
 Qur'an, which is considered the prophet Muhammad revealed word of God. The second basis are reports (hadith) on the practice (sunna) of Muhammad, considered the "messenger of God" is a role model for all Muslims. The results of these standard texts are collectively known as Shariah.


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