Friday, April 29, 2016

history propagation

Early in Mecca
The history of Islam begins after the Arab tradition with a vocation Muhammad experience on Mount Hira, near Mecca, where he received a commission to preach through the angel Gabriel. The new religion spread first in the family of Muhammad. His first followers were his wife Khadijah, will be even more youthful cousin'Alī ibn Abi Talib Zaid ibn Haritha his slave, his paternal uncle Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib and Jafar a greater brother'Alīs. Traditional reports say about three years Mohammed said the revelations he received, only the few selected friends and family. Only after that, around the year 613, also he began to preach publicly. This event referred to in Arab sources as entry into the house of al-Arqam ibn Abi Arqam'l-. Al-Arqam was a young man, who belonged to the influential clan of quraischitischen Machzūm. He put his house, which was located in the center of Mecca, Muhammad available. Mohammed proclaimed by the Embassy of an uncompromising monotheism found in henotheistisch oriented to Mecca that time few followers, and some Muslims found themselves under pressure from their forced to leave Mecca and migrate to the kingdom of Aksum opponents. The result was a first Muslim community outside Arabia.

The execution in Saudi

Representation of the Jami 'al-tawarich, 14C Prophet Muhammad riding submitting Banu Nadir.
When after the death of his uncle Abu Talib Ibn Abd al-Muttalib Mohammed lost the protection of their clan, their position in Mecca deteriorated so much that he was forced to seek external partners. In 620 he got in touch with a number of Northmen Yathrib (now Medina). There were negotiations that led to the fact that two years later, 73 men known from Yathrib to Islam and invited him to settle in their city. The short time later (summer 622) held emigration of Muhammad and his followers was so hijra in history and later established as the first year of the Islamic calendar. [19] In Yathrib also began political and military career of the prophet. Shortly after his arrival in the oasis Mohammed concluded a treaty of alliance with local residents, called the Constitution of Medina.

In the oasis of Yathrib he lived at that time, many Jews, especially the three tribes Qaynuqa Banu, Banu n-Nadir and Banu Qurayza. These were expelled or executed in the coming years as a result of various conflicts of Yathrib. This was Yathrib, or Medina, as the city was soon called to an inhabited almost exclusively by Muslims in the city. Mohammed also succeeded in winning some Arab tribes around Medina to Islam. [20] The military confrontation with pagan Meccans was influenced by the initial success of the battle of Badr by setbacks, as the battle of Uhud, but the LED other intermediate successes (z B. Treaty Hudaibiya 628.) Finally, the taking of Mecca by Muslims in January 630. [21]

Muhammad's victory over the mighty Quraish took so much prestige that in the years subjugated almost all the tribes of the Arabian Peninsula authority in June 632 to his death. In many cases, an acceptance of Islam was related to the political subjugation. After the death of the Prophet sat in the Arab tribes, but a wide withdrawal movement, which also featured in the religious sphere, the hegemony of Islam in question. In some parts of Arabia produced against the prophets who mobilized against the state of Medina, which among other Musailima. Only military action quraischitischen commander Khalid Ibn al-Walid this withdrawal movement was quelled. [22]

Early Muslim conquest
→ Main article: Muslim conquest
Islamic expansion under the Caliph Umar and Uthman meant that Muslims until the middle of the seventh century, the rule in Iraq, Syria, Palestine (up to 636/38), Egypt (640/42) and also a large part of Iran (642 / 51) they won. This was the last old, it had emerged in the historical context of Islam, finally ended in the eastern Mediterranean. The inhabitants of the territories conquered by the Muslims were mostly not directly convert to Islam, but their ancient religions (Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism) initially remained loyal. However, this has been possible because they have been granted as a member of a religion of the book to protect their lives and property, as well as permission to practice their religion. However, this protection ratio, pledged reversed to pay a special tax, the jizya. [23] Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians not allowed to publicly perform their faith, build new places of worship and bear arms, later other restrictions (such as some special dress code) were added. Therefore, recognized by Islam "protected" heterodox (primarily Jews and Christians) were Muslims legally equivalents and restricted in the exercise of their religion. But they could not be converted by force. [24]

Since the end of the seventh century, however, social pressure (# situation of Christians see Islamic expansion under Muslim rule) to the Christian population rose in the ancient Roman provinces occupied. There was discrimination, exclusion of non-Muslims of the administration, to interference in internal affairs Christians and for confiscation of church property and attacks on individual churches. The overall increase in pressure (and again from the Abbasid period) must also appear the transfer of the former majority to push Islam population. [25] The conversion of the native population to Islam was a process that lasted for centuries. [26] This also applies to the other regions, which arrived in the early eighth century under Islamic rule, such as North Africa, Andalusia and Transoxania.

Spread through trade
After coming to power of the Abbasids in the mid-8th century, the military expansion of Islam movement faltered. remained the achieved with these territorial gains, compared to the rather low previous period: 827-878 took place the conquest of Sicily by the Aghlabid, 870 having the Kabul region near Afghanistan today Saffarids 902 conquering the Balearic Islands by the Emirate of Córdoba. Therefore it arrived at this time, the expansion of Islam reinforced by negotiation ahead. On the shores of the Indian Ocean Arab traders married local families even went over the passage of time for Islam. Thus originated in southern India and Ceylon pay large Muslim communities. Muslim communities today Mappila Malayalam-language Moors in Kerala and Tamil Nadu and Sri Lankan Tamil speaking lead back to this time. In the late ninth century founded clan merchants of Mecca Machzūm Muslim state in central Ethiopia (Shewa) itself. Also at the level of Eastern Europe, Islam has spread in this period by traders. When Ahmad ibn Fadlan visited in the early 920s as an envoy of the Abbasid caliphs the state of Volga Bulgaria at the mouth of the Volga Kama, local rulers had already converted to Islam and had built several mosques. However, Islam remained in South Africa until well into the 18th century a city phenomenon that was linked to the long-distance trade and a courtesan minority in the cities. [27]

960 Shiraz Persian traders founded a commercial colony on the island of Kilwa on the coast of present-day Tanzania. From there took place in the 11 and 12, on Islamization of the islands east coast of Africa (the mafia, Comoros, etc.) centuries. By Muslim traders of North African origin, who worked in the trans-Saharan trade, Islam also spread in this time in South Africa. Some of these traders settled in parts of the Sahara, which were developed in Muslim cities as Walata and Timbuktu. others were used in the courts of pagan African leaders and made this known to Islam. A deed in 1067 Arab geographer Al-Bakri reports that in his time and the rulers of Kanem east of Lake Chad, Gao had been in the curve of Niger and Takrur in the lower region of Senegal to Islam.

Ghazi new expansion by Turkish fighter
For further spread of Islam Turkish ethnicities it was of great importance. A 950 produced in the territory of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China today and in the current northern Kyrgyzstan to a mass conversion of Turkish tribes. Contemporary sources mention 200,000 tents were affected. The trigger was the approval of the governing of these tribes, the Qarakhanids (also Ilek Khan) family call to Islam. [28] This led to the Qarakhanids tribal confederation attacked soon westward. In 999, they were able to conquer Bukhara.

In the area of ​​Afghanistan Mahmud of Ghazni was (reg. 997-1030), the son of a Turkish military slaves, who was originally in the service of the Samanids, found his own dynasty. In the period before his death he led his fighters through numerous campaigns in northwest India, the Islamic conquest of India began. Qutb-ud-Din Aibak, a Turkish general Ghurids empire, founded in 1209 with the Sultanate of Delhi's first Islamic state on Indian soil. Between the late 13th century and early 14th century, the rulers of that country brought most of the north and center under Islamic rule India: in 1298 the area of ​​Gujarat the southern part of the subcontinent annexed in 1318 the Deccan, Indian.

Farther west, which also he highlighted as combatants Turkish Seljuk Ghazi. Sultan Alp Arslan- (1063-1072) in 1071 destroyed the Byzantine army at Manzikert. this Islamization of Asia Minor began. The Byzantine attempt to recover this region, failed; Since 1143, the Byzantines moved permanently behind him. Anatolia Islamic center was about half of the 12th century Konya, ancient Iconium, now capital of the Seljuk Rum. [29]

Islamization in the rich part of Mongolia
In the years 1251-1259 led Hulagu, grandson of Genghis Khan, on behalf of the Karakorum Great Can a Mongolian invasion of western Asia. Between 1256 and 1259 Iran and Iraq have been completely conquered. As a result of this invasion of Islam lost for several generations in the state of Iran as a religion of the rulers. but eventually, the Mongols contributed more Islamization of Asia. The Hülegüs, failure of Tabriz from Ilchane the end of the 13th century descendants returned to Islam.

In another part of the Mongol empire, the empire of the Golden Horde, which extended over the territories of southern Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan to Western Siberia, led the 14th century Islamization ahead Uzbek Khan (reigned 1312-1341.): Muslim scholars was obtained numerous in the country, estimated by his predecessor Toqta and sales shamanic priests called the upper classes of the empire to convert to Islam. Although I lived in many non-Muslims in the area of ​​the Golden Horde, but has the Islamic state with a clear and long character Islam also was among the population to the dominant religion. [30]

Also in the Mongolian Yuan Empire (1260-1368), which extended over large parts of China, there has been a process of Islamization. The forces deployed by Kublai Khan, the founder of this empire, North and South China had invaded, consisted mainly of Muslim fighters who had led Genghis Khan of his campaigns to central and western Asia. Like many soldiers were Muslim, some of Chan who must take second place in China by the Mongols and in front of the premises. One of the Muslim generals Qubilai, the Bukharian Prophetenabkömmling Shams ad-Din-i Sayyid Umar name Adschall, founded in China's southwestern Yunnan Province own dynasty of Muslim rulers who contributed greatly to the spread of Islam in China. A grandson of Sayyid-i Adschall acquired 1,335 imperial Qing recognition of Islam as Zhenjiao, "pure and true religion", a name that is used to this day in China for Islam.

Development in Europe
The conquest of Sicily by the Normans (1061-1091) and the beginning while Reconquista meant that Islam was pushed back from southern Europe. Sicilian Muslims were relocated after riots (1219-1222) Friedrich II. The city of Lucera Puglia, where a sort of Muslim ghetto emerged. In 1300 this Muslim colony of Lucera was destroyed by the Anjou, where the presence of Muslims in medieval Italy ended. [31]

In the Iberian Peninsula Reconquista he led the majority of Muslims under the rule of the Christian kingdoms. Here were allowed first to persist as mudéjares and were allowed to practice their religion, [32] after the conquest of the last Islamic empire, Nasridenemirat of Granada, but Muslims lost their Moorish state and were given the option of leaving the country or be baptized. Between 1609 and 1614 the last Muslim [33] were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula.

While Islam was expelled during the late Middle Ages and the modern period of the Iberian Peninsula, experienced, while in South Eastern Europe, other military and political Islamic ascendance state, the Ottoman Empire which by the mid 15th century and vast areas of Balkans (Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thrace, Dobrudja and Bosnia) including, but much of Asia Minor included. The expansion of the country in Europe continued until the mid-16th century, almost incessantly. From the Ottoman administrative centers in the Balkans took place there now also Islamization of the population. Statistics for the decade 1520-1530 show that at that time already had Muslim majorities several cities that functioned as such centers. conversion biggest waves proven, but from the late 16th century in place. [3. 4]

Widespread in Southeast Asia
Parallel to these developments, the spread of Islam continued through trade in the Indian Ocean. In the mid-12th century the dynasty and the people of the Maldives had already gone to Islam. Maritime trade spread Islam in Southeast Asia and arrived there first, in some ports on the coasts foot. With Perlak and Pasai in northern tip of Sumatra appeared in the 1290s years, the first Islamic in Southeast Asia states. More Islamic principalities created by the crossing of the rule for Islam in Malacca on the Malaysian peninsula (1413) and Patani in southern Thailand current state (since 1457).

A few years later, around 1475, the first Islamic principality was established in Java Demak. 1527 destroyed the Sultan of Demak with Majapahit the last great Hindu-Buddhist kingdom of Java, paving the way for the Islamization of the island freely, a process that lasted several centuries, and played an important role in the pesantren schools. It is built by Islamic religious scholars in villages boarding schools where students live for a long time with their teachers for religious education, where they help to return to their teachers in acquiring his life.

In the early 17th century, the kingdom of Gowa was transferred to the island of Sulawesi to Islam. From Sumatra and Java from hit by a relaxing and military also Lombok and Middle and Southeast Borneo under Islamic influence. But remained Buddhist Hindu Bali.

Islamization in the wake of European colonialism
The withdrawal incipient late 17th century Ottoman Empire from South Eastern Europe meant that Islam lost its position as the religion of the rulers again here. After the Crimean War in 1856 and the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 he led to the mass migration of Muslims from eastern and southern Europe. [35]

Built in 1892 Mosque Broken Hill in Australia
If the 19th century has contributed to a global level as a result, however, further expansion of Islam, this is due largely to the impact of European colonialism. In mid 19 Islam it was more penetrated by the slave trade of the Sultans of Oman and Zanzibar within East Africa. City Nkhotakota on Lake Malawi, where the governor Sultan resided, became the main center of the expansion of Islam. They found the new religion followers, especially among the tribes of the Nyamwezi and Yao in southern Tanzania and Malawi. As the British and German colonies in East Africa established, access to the same country was facilitated by rail. So now he came from the coast and Muslim traders from the Indian subcontinent and Muslim officials of the colonial authorities to Victoria and Tanganyika and brought Islam in these areas. In particular, the stimulus of Islam arrived in the kingdom of Buganda (now Uganda), where 1,888 Muslims Kabaka first came to power with Kalema.

From 1860 many Muslims migrated from the Indian subcontinent as a worker employed in the British colony of Natal to work on the sugar plantations. This led to an expansion of Islam in the territory of modern South Africa. In the second half of the 19th century also it reached the appearance of the first Muslim communities in Western and Central Europe. Most of these communities were growing in the Polish port cities Cardiff and South Shields, where he settled after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, working on British ships Yemeni and Somali sailors. [36] Between 1860 and 1900 were taken by the British Afghan camel drivers who do not drive to Australia land transport. Some of them married local women and settled in Australia; go at it the first Muslim communities in Australia back. Broken Hill Australia's first mosque was built in 1892.

European colonial powers in their colonies Islam were against is not positive everywhere. In French West Africa, the colonial official Maurice Delafosse and Jules Brevie led in the 1920s the theory that Islam is a natural religion for most black Africans and their wider spread would inevitably lead to the collapse of African societies. [37]


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