Friday, May 6, 2016

Women and Family in Islam

Women and Family in Islam

In the general discussion of Islam it is to point out once again that most of the issues of concern "Women in Islam" will apply. Muslim veiled woman or even veil, as seen in this country in the streets, on television or in magazines as a focal point for the reader has, for many people something alien, unknown, inaccessible. But to be even more connected with it today, terms such as "fundamentalism", "backwardness" and "oppression."

The fact that a woman with a headscarf often ridiculed, pitied or even approached on the street by strangers, still comes often enough and it is a sad fact that is mainly due to the negative and one-sided coverage media, as well as long-standing prejudices and misunderstandings,

It is therefore important to clarify that under the veil enough confidence, stuck thinking women who are entitled to be taken seriously. And even more if you consider that in recent years more and more German women have converted to Islam. The reasons are certainly numerous and often very personal. But what makes a "European modern woman" to choose a way of life that supposedly brought their oppression and humiliation?

This should clarify the following questions. Adequate and briefly Report on "Women in Islam" and are an addition to the in 1994 for the first time in Cordoba Verlag published "25 questions about Islam" booklet are discussed in the general questions about Islam.

1. Are men and women equal rights in Islam are?
2. What is the distribution of tasks between men and women in the family?
3. What is the role of a Muslim woman to a mother?
4. Are the religious duties of Islam and women?
5. Can a Muslim woman to choose her own husband?
6. What does the dowry in Islam?
7. Can a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim?
8. What is the permission for polygamy in Islam to understand?
9. Why can not a Muslim woman marry several men?
10. Can a Muslim man beat his wife?
11. Can a Muslim woman to divorce?
12. What happens in case of divorce with children?
13. Why Muslim women wear a headscarf?
14. Muslim women the right to education and profession?
15. If the woman is entitled to inherit in Islam?
16. What validity does the testimony of women in Islamic law?
17. Can a Muslim woman go to the mosque?
18. How important is gender segregation in Islam?
19. Why do women pray behind the rows of men?
20. Can a Muslim girl to have an intimate relationship with a child?
21. Can Muslim girls in gymnastics and swimming classes to take?
22. Can there be a Muslim woman by a male medical treatment?
23. Can women take Muslims measures to prevent pregnancy?
24. Is abortion is allowed in Islam?
25 What Islam says adoption?

1. Are men and women equal rights in Islam are?

In Islam it comes to produce, taking into account the diversity of gender equality between the two. Therefore, God created man and woman has assigned certain rights and obligations, which are their natural justice. However, if they depart from its nature, it is close to equalizing. They are equal before God. However, in relation to the other, the respective rights of the individual are different, like men and women are inherently different. Basically you can say that the rights of one of the functions of the other result and vice versa.

Men and women are equal before God today and equivalent. The Quran says in many places that reward or punishment in the hereafter does not depend on gender. It's like Sura 3, verse 195: ". Look, I'll be lost the work of any of you, whether male or female, some of you are from the other" is also applied as a duty to acquire knowledge, for both sexes same. Among women and men regarding their rights and obligations in the areas of marriage are equal, which by nature are the same, there are differences where there are differences. Religious duties, for example, is not the woman some relief in relation to their nature (s. Question 4). And respect the right of inheritance is taken on the duty of man as provider of the family consideration (s. Question 15).
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2. What is the distribution of tasks between men and women in the family?

Man's responsibility to keep the family (Quran 4:34). He is accountable to God for the welfare of his family. A family needs leadership, and there must be someone in each team, which is ultimately the decisions. A saying of the Prophet (s) makes it clear: "Perfection in the faith of the faithful in the best character and conduct and best of you are those who treat their wives best."

woman's responsibility to advise and support her husband to make joint decisions. The woman is the person who receives the child, carries in itself, giving birth, breastfeeding and educates; which is primarily responsible for the welfare of children. This is their most important task. However, this does not mean that education of children should be exclusive competence of women and must also leave her husband in his role as head of the family on their own.
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3. What is the role of a Muslim woman to a mother?

In Islam, the mother has a special position. Especially in the early years of the mother she is the primary caregiver for the child. By recommends breastfeeding in the Qur'an (2: 233), a close relationship. The Qur'an mentions some places the relationship between parents and children and highlights the particular difficulty of the mother, for example, in pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding (31:14). Islam goes so far that the (divorced) mother can ask her husband for financial compensation for children of breastfeeding (Quran 65: 6). What great importance of women has served as mother, is also a saying of the Prophet Muhammad (s). On the question of who deserves more to be treated well, said three times "your mother" and only after "his father, then his closest relatives."
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4. Are the religious duties of Islam and women?

Religious duties, which have to be met in both sexes before God - like prayer, fasting, poor delivery or pilgrimage - men and women equally responsible. However, women experience some relief in the exercise of prayer and fasting. This is how during menstruation and the puerperium exempt prayer and fasting. Careless in this fast, but does not have to compensate at a later date, prayers.
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5. Can a Muslim woman to choose her own husband?

Islam gives women in marriage the same right to be able to decide when and whom they marry. Without the consent of the woman can not marry be closed, and the marriage contract is invalid. It is a prudent practice among Muslims in this important decision to involve the family. You are the future partner with support and necessary defense in difficult situations for the continuity of the connection. It should be noted that women have the right to keep maiden name after marriage.
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6. What does the dowry in Islam?

Dowry (Arab. Al-Mahr) is in no way be equated with a price of the bride, the woman would have bought speak. It did not give the father of the bride, but the bride herself. In most cases, it is of a material nature, but may well also have sentimental value. Islam guarantees the right of Muslim women to demand her future husband this call dowry, the amount of which they define themselves and that she may freely (Quran 4: 4) .. The woman should take into account of course, the financial situation of man. Even in case of divorce the husband has no right to recovery of dowry (Quran 2: 229).
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7. Can a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim?

Marriage and family are especially protected in Islam, as they ensure that smaller units of the Company the continued existence of the community. A marriage that works requires a livelihood and way of life, the two partners have in common. Therefore, a marriage between Muslim couples in any case, is preferable. From a heterodox relationship between partners with different worldviews difficulties may arise. For example, it is an agreement on issues more difficult to find religious upbringing. Also, a non-Muslim husband to his wife as restricting the exercise of religion. Therefore, a Muslim woman can not marry a person of another religion. (Quran 2: 221)
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8. What is the permission for polygamy in Islam to understand?

Islam is not the permission of the union of four women, which is, however, subject to certain conditions. This illustrates a Koranic verse: "... and marries what is expected of good for women, two, three or four but if you fear being is not cheap, so marrying a (... .) so you can most likely avoid injustice "(4: 3). Therefore, the demand for justice and equality for all women is one marriage closely related disease. The practical application of this requirement of the manual pages will probably be extremely difficult (Quran 4: 129). However, this also depends largely on the personality of man and woman (s).

Polygamy especially widows or divorced women who may be accessories. In addition, plural marriage in which each woman to enjoy the same rights as you are, a better alternative to the relationship of a man with a lover who does not have rights. The rule among Muslims is monogamy, which is a human challenge for both spouses. Even the prophet who serves as a model Muslim, was married to his first wife 25 years until his death alone; and among women, whom he married after that was just a virgin, others were widowed or divorced either.
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9. Why can not a Muslim woman marry several men?

Islam is the religion of the natural disposition of man. The marriage of women with multiple men is a rare practice time occur in general. Therefore, it can be assumed that also does not correspond to the nature of women to marry several men. So Islam also opposed it. One important reason is that the husband is obliged to provide their children (s. Question 2). When several men there is a risk that paternity can not be clearly demonstrated. This can cause either discussing children or avoid responsibility. Moreover, it is not practical for several men acting as head of household.
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10. Can a Muslim man beat his wife?

This is a burden with prejudice subject that is very difficult to explain the corresponding passage in the Koran states: "And those (women), whose party fear: admonish them, avoid them in bed and beat them if they obey you, seek against no it is an excuse. " (4:34). A first explanation, why the revelation of this verse is: A woman came to the Prophet Muhammad (s) and asked to be allowed permission to strike back at her husband because he had beaten. The Prophet allowed retaliation. After this event, the above verse was revealed, after which the Prophet (s) said, "I wanted one, but God wanted the other - what God wants, the best should be."

Behind this decision of God like a stuck wisdom that had not recognized at first, even the Prophet Muhammad (s). The verse makes it clear that in case of stuck on the main difficulties of marriage the husband must meet these three steps: separation in any case the warning on the bed and hitting. This particular mode beating is forbidden in affection, which probably occurs in almost all cases. It also has the beating, as described in the Qur'an, according to scholars rather a symbolic character. The Prophet Muhammad (s) expressed in terms of hitting the woman very clearly his disapproval of "Is it to one of you actually possible to beat his wife like a servant, then go for the night with her?" Never he has hit a woman.

Muslim women have other ways of acting in conflict situations against her husband. For this purpose can be converted to other family members.
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11. Can a Muslim woman to divorce?

Divorce should be considered under the Verabscheuenswerteste permitted by God and things only as a last resort. to avoid a divorce and to achieve reconciliation between the spouses, it is always in the foreground. Therefore, in the case of a marriage dispute husband's family and the family of the woman he is determined in each case a facilitator between spouses should try to settle (Quran 4:35). Basically, Islam establishes the possibility of divorce for men and women. The Koran is detail how the divorce will take place and how the provision of food (2: 226ff; 65: 1 ff) is regulated.

The divorce procedure can be initiated by both men and women. The following mechanisms, which eventually lead to divorce, however, are different. Until the end of divorce the spouses live together in the same house. This time is used to find reconciliation and determine a possible pregnancy in women. If, after the expiry of this period, no agreement spouse, divorce is final.
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12. What happens in case of divorce with children?

In this sense, the Qur'an meets only arrangements for children. This should be a maximum of two years suckled by the mother. For other children it applies to traditional jurisprudence: Mother concern in girls until puberty or until marriage, children up to the age of seven years or until puberty. The legal representation rests with the father. Usually, the woman goes after divorce without children at home from their parents. As it became easier remarriage.
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13. Why Muslim women wear a headscarf?

The veil of Muslim women is part of your clothes in general that certain provisions subject. The dress code in Islam not for both men and women. and serve to protect the dignity and respect for them. Muslims should always wear clothing that covers the body in such a way that the figure is not visible, so it does not stimulate the interest of the opposite sex whatsoever. Therefore, the clothes should not be too close or be translucent. As the hair or hair of women play a very important role in appearance and can also exert a certain attraction, is also women who wear a headscarf. The basis of these regulations place Koran 24:31 and a saying of the Prophet Muhammad (s), after a woman nothing to be seen except the face and hands.

Dress regulations above apply, in the presence of strange men, that the men with whom women could theoretically marry. Within the family, a part of the relationship and women can also be demonstrated with a scarf Muslim women. Interested persons listed in the previous section Koranic. At the age of the woman can take her handkerchief (Qur'an 24:60). However, since it also has a role model for the younger ones, it is better for them to follow Islamic rules to cover accordingly.
girls dress forms Muslims when the female body are visible (approximately onset of puberty), as described above.
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14. Muslim women the right to education and profession?

The obligation to recognize that the pursuit of knowledge is true for the Muslim man and a Muslim woman. A saying of the Prophet (s) is: "Seeking knowledge is a duty for every Muslim, male or female." In the early Islamic era women worked in various fields, some even covered the war to treat the wounded there. The first wife of the Prophet (s), Khadija, was a respected businesswoman in Mecca that had trade caravans. Women can earn their own money has independently and freely and were not obliged to contribute something to the attention of the family. Because according to the division of responsibilities in the family, the man is obliged alone to take care of the family (s. Question 2). The fact that many Muslim girls further education is denied, not due to Islam, but in the traditions.
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15. If the woman is entitled to inherit in Islam?

The Quran says: "Men will be a part of the heritage of their parents and relatives, and women are entitled to a share of the inheritance of their parents and relatives, whether small or large." The basis for the differential treatment of women on succession of verse 04:11: (April 7). "The male inheritance is equal to that of two females" The fact that the woman "only" receive the half of male involvement, can be explained by the fact that the man is not bound to maintain the needs of the family (Quran 4:34); However, women may freely dispose of his share of the inheritance without the husband or other family members can make a claim on it (s. Also question 2 and 14).
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16. What validity does the testimony of women in Islamic law?

The basis of the facts from the testimony of verse Koran 2: 282: "And that two witnesses among men testify and if there are not two men, then you should witness a man and two women who see you right as witnesses so that when one of the two errs, the other of them remembered ". The other woman Consult serves as a safeguard against false testimony, which is severely punished in Islam, as well as additional security. In addition, the aforementioned verse falls to the issue of loan agreements and should be found only in such cases of application. Many scholars of this transferred to other areas, is controversial among Muslims. Because there is no doubt also cases in which women experience is in demand (eg the birthright). But even in such an important religious studies as sufficient testimony of a woman for the purchase of many sayings of the Prophet (s) place. Aisha, the wife of the Prophet (s), for example, the most important of Überlieferin Prophetenaussprüchen at all.
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17. Can a Muslim woman go to the mosque?

Basically, the mosque is a place of encounter and prayer all Muslims openly, whether male or female. There are clear sayings of the Prophet, by which a man his wife is not going to prevent the mosque. women rarely or never go in some Islamic countries the mosque, it is due more to local traditions and customs of Islam.
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18. How important is gender segregation in Islam?

In the Qur'an, gender segregation in two mentioned places (33: 32f and 53), in which each of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (s) is the speech having a so-called "Mothers of the Believers" a special position. There are different views on the use of these verses in contemporary practice. Some refer to the separation of the sexes as a means to protect the family and especially marriage. Others, however, believe that the aforementioned verses refer only to the wives of the Prophet and it is possible that men and women also work together. However, it states that before a certain education and sense of decency on both sides, which ensures compliance with the rules of Islam. As for being just a woman with a man unrelated, so, however, most scholars hold to the word of the Prophet Muhammad: "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should not be alone with a woman without a mahram (close male relative, the marriage of women is prohibited) is your doing, or else Satan is the third party will be. "
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19. Why do women pray behind the rows of men?

In a sentence in the Community, to the mosque is in, fact, women usually pray either behind men or women's gallery separated from men. When prayer as an act of worship, the worshiper is fully able to concentrate on it. Men and women would pray mixed condition is not met because the deviation is too large both sides (s. Also question 18).
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20. Can a Muslim girl to have an intimate relationship with a child?

Islam rejects any kind of intimate relationship between the sexes outside marriage from the beginning. This applies both to children. Only marriage provides the framework for an intimate relationship between husband and wife. Against a type camaraderie between boys and girls under the condition that both observe Islamic rules, but there is nothing.
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21. Can Muslim girls in gymnastics and swimming classes to take?

In Islam, exercise is any type allowed and encouraged. all without prejudice to the principles of Islam, in the case of gymnastics and swimming especially the dress code are not violated. Therefore, it is not permissible in Islam that girls - and, incidentally, boy - take from puberty in a sports coeducation. Many Muslim girls may be for this reason the lessons of gymnastics and swimming in the free school. The same should obviously apply to children. Muslims living here are usually strive to create opportunities for sports activities in which men and women are separated.
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22. Can there be a Muslim woman by a male medical treatment?

Basically, a Muslim woman should be treated in order to safeguard their dignity and modesty of a woman doctor. This is easily possible in this country, as you can choose the treating / medical doctor himself. A Muslim is a Muslim, but a doctor or happier than having Muslim doctor. In case of emergency, such as in an accident, childbirth, etc., in which only a medical man is in service, the health of the woman is going through.
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23. Can women take Muslims measures to prevent pregnancy?

Exists in Islam there is no ban on contraception, provided that there is no damage to health and pregnancy is not impossible forever. At the time of the Prophet Muhammad (s) was the so-called "coitus interruptus" practiced, and the Prophet approved. It is also recommended in the Qur'an that the mother should breastfeed two full years (2: 233); this is also a measure of protection against pregnancy. Today, however, there are more modern contraceptive systems. What kind of contraception to a Muslim couple decides or if you want to use any contraceptive, the spouse may decide, taking into account the personal and health situation. The fact that Muslim couples often have more children is not due to lack of practice prevention but his positive attitude to children.
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24. Is abortion is allowed in Islam?

The Koran clearly forbids the killing of children, whether born or not "And do not kill your children for fear of poverty ;. provide for them and for you Verily, killing them it is a great error." (17:31 ) most Muslim scholars permit abortion only in cases where it is in danger the life of the mother.
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25 What Islam says adoption?


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