Saturday, April 30, 2016

Relationship Islam with other religions


Also verse 2: 163 emphasizes the unity of God
The testimony of the unity of God and the consequent rejection of idolatry is the most important article of faith of Islam. Polytheism is absolutely contrary to the strict monotheistic teachings of Islam, that polytheism is the greatest sin. [52] The Qur'an According to the worship of other gods besides Allah, the only sin is forgiven under any circumstances.

"God does not forgive adjacent to it (in any gods). What's under (d. H. Less serious sins) that forgives whom (is given) wants. And if one (the one) God (other gods) contiguous, which is (therefore the right path) astray. "

- 4: 116 after Paret; see also 4:48 and 31:13
The Koran criticized in many other places vehemently worship of other beings in the place of God. [53] In Beyond idolaters punished by the entrance to hell.

Abrahamic religions
The Arabian Peninsula was through Islam in the output current in Mecca baetylus Following Jewish and Christian beliefs. Islam is based on its origin to Abraham, with Judaism and Christianity with the Abrahamic religions. All three are monotheistic religions. Because they are based on the revelations of the prophets (Moses and Mohammed), which in Islamic interpretation also Jesus Christ is seen as a prophet, religions are revealed and because of these revelations were written, and religions of the book. [54]

This common reference to Abraham has been underlined by Mohammed at the beginning of his prophecy. In the course of his life, the Prophet changed because of his experience with the Jewish and Christian communities their attitude towards them. The change in attitude of Muhammad owners of the firm has been treated in Islamic studies on several occasions [55] Initially, it is expected that the book recognizes his prophecy and join their religion. as this did not happen, the attitude of Muhammad's followers book began to change slowly in the negative. This change in attitude has also left its mark on the Koran, originally where religious and moral virtues were highly respected and was Mohammed encouraged to maintain good relations with them. After Mohammed had broken with these religious communities that raised against the charge of hypocrisy and said their refusal to accept Islam; therefore they should not be considered as allies, but to fight. [56] In the eyes of Mohammed Judaism and Christianity erroneous developments of primitive religion were common. [57]

While Islam and Christianity with Judaism the belief in one God and the reference to Abraham and many other biblical prophets divided basically differs in its foundations of Christianity by its categorical rejection of the doctrine (Sura 112) and the idea Christian original sin, Judaism, mainly through its recognition of Jesus as a prophet, of the other Abrahamic religions in general, by recognizing Muhammad as a messenger and the seal of the prophets of God and the teachings of the Koran as a man above the word of God attached.

historical and political interaction with other religious communities
The interior of the centuries after the death of the Arab religious leader elaborate classical Islamic law differed in its consideration of other monotheistic religions among owners of Scripture and followers of polytheistic religion in law had to fight until the adoption of Islam . The first had a special position in the Islamic community as protected. This state was accompanied by the payment of a special tax, the jizya; for they received in exchange for protecting their lives and property, and permission for their religion - free exercise [58] This defensive alliance was originally only Jews and Christians, but extended to all non-Muslims as such, as -. under certain restrictions [23] Muslims to other denominations such as Hindu conquerors met. [59] in other believers in non-Muslim areas, the call home from the war, as could musta'min temporarily live in Islamic territory. As a resident of Dar al-Harb were otherwise as enemies (Harbi), the first call in the conquest of its territory during the Islamic expansion to the adoption of Islam, no to the dhimmi condition - assuming belonging to a religion book - should be offered and fought in the negative thereof. [60]

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Current situation of the Baha'is
→ Main article: Bahá'í Faith
Although the religion of the Bahai qualifies as a religion of the book (written revelation set) and even recognizes the revelation of Mahomet statement. However, these monotheistic religious community is not recognized in the Islamic world as al-Kitab AHL ( "People of the Book"). Baha'i teaching, which does not include scatological descriptions of the Qur'an to a dead material world, but revelations of the Bab nachislamischen and Baha'ullahs, is considered by many Muslim scholars as apostasy (Arabic حروب :. الردة, ridda) designated. In addition to several other allegations refer Sunni fatwas Baha'i faith as a non-Muslims donated by movement of the disbelievers (kuffar) to break Islam.

Particularly strong is the persecution in the Shiite Iran. Naser Makarem Grand Ayatollah Shirazi Bahai stigmatized as "belligerent infidels" (Kofare Harbi), which can be killed. Iranian MP says Mehdi Kuchaksadeh Baha'is "Although people look alike, but people are not." [61] Accordingly, the Bahai are persecuted in Iran and in Germany trying to marginalize the Shiite Bahai. [62]

On the other hand, there is an international network of Muslims who fight for the rights of the Baha'is. [63] welcomed the Central Council of Muslims in Germany and DITIB and promote interfaith dialogue between Muslims and Baha'is. [64]


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